You Should See Someone, A Guide To Doing Therapy

Everything you ever wanted to know about therapy, whether you’ve been once or 100 times. Mental health issues — especially among young people — are on the rise. HuffPost Wellness wants to normalize therapy and show you how to do it within your own life and budget. That’s why HuffPost Wellness launched “You Should See…

How to Get the Most from Couples Therapy

by Ellyn Bader, Ph.D. and Peter Pearson, Ph.D. This document is designed to help you get the most benefit from our work together. The first three sections deal with how to prepare for and maximize the value of our sessions. The fourth section summarizes some brief concepts about relationships and productive couples therapy. Your job is to create…

5 Science-Backed Health Benefits of Hypnosis

It sounds like the work of sorcerers and scam artists, but hypnosis can play a very real role in protecting and promoting health. This isn’t the “You are getting very sleepy…” hypnosis you’re used to seeing in pop culture references, but a clinical procedure used in conjunction with other therapies and treatments, according to the…